HOHENFELS, Germany – The 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Oregon Army National Guard, began the multinational training exercise Jungleer Enterprise (JE) with 10 partner countries Feb. 24 to prepare Soldiers for the Kosovo Force 27 NATO peacekeeping mission.
“We are excited to be here training and look forward to assuming the Kosovo Force 27 mission,” said Col. Eric Riley, 41st IBCT brigade commander.
The participating countries have been coordinating over the past year for JE and KFOR 27. For many of the participants, this exercise will be their first large multinational training exercise.
“This exercise is going to be a great experience,” said Lt. Omar Selmami, a light infantry platoon leader from North Macedonia. “This is the first exercise of its kind for us, and the soldiers are very excited to incorporate training and share experiences.”
Soldiers participating in the exercise will improve interoperability and expand their skill sets.
“I’m excited for the KFOR mission and excited to expand my knowledge by learning from our partner nations.” said Sgt. Bradway Byrd, a 720th Explosive Ordnance Disposal team leader.
For others, JE is a reunion and a testament to the ongoing relationships of partner countries.
“We know these American Soldiers,” said Sgt. 1st Class Uldis Adijan, an explosive ordnance disposal soldier with the Latvia army. “We first worked alongside them and other partner nations in 2010 and look forward to continuing our good friendship here and in Kosovo.”
During JE, Soldiers from the 10 participating countries will work together during training scenarios to refine and enhance partner capabilities and ensure effective responses to regional crises, deter potential adversaries and meet national defense goals of KFOR 27.
“Integrating with all KFOR partners and effectively training will ensure that we continue to provide regional stability and security in the area for the people of Kosovo,” said Riley.