WASHINGTON - National Guard Soldiers and Airmen from 19 states and territories came together to build awareness and understanding of the National Guard Bureau's State Partnership Program among members of Congress and their staff at a Capitol Hill event June 16.
SPP is a National Guard Bureau-sponsored program that links a State's National Guard unit with a partner nation's military or security forces in a cooperative, mutually beneficial relationship.
Opening remarks were provided by congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo of Guam, who spoke about the history of the program and the opportunities it provides.
"SPP provides opportunities for joint training and subject matter expert exchanges on a variety of topics," said Bordallo."They span critical capabilities from cyber security and counter drug operations to personnel issues such as NCO development and language and cultural immersion."
This mission is unique to the National Guard, and is aimed at developing long-term relationships across military and civilian functions.
"It receives praise from defense and foreign policy implementers from around the world," said Bordallo."U.S. ambassadors, combatant and component commanders and senior foreign officials alike. All recognize the immense value of this program and testify to it regularly to its importance and when they don't ... I'm not shy to solicit it."
"[SPP] has been an extremely successful program in establishing relationships that endure well beyond the rotation of people in and out of positions," said Maj. Gen. Patrick A. Murphy, the director of the National Guard Bureau's Office of Strategy, Policy, Plans, and International Affairs, which oversees the SPP."I think this is the hallmark of the State Partnership Program."
As of today, there are 70 partnerships within the SPP. Niger, Argentina and Malaysia will be added later this year.
"This low cost...yet high pay-off program is essential to ensuring our allies remain connected to our military," said Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa. "We can build partner capability in the face of so many threats across the globe."
The day's event, sponsored by Sens. Christopher Coons (D-Del.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), was well attended by members of Congress and staffers alike.
Delaware Guard members Lt. Col. Jason Brugman attended the event and spoke about its importance.
"It raises the awareness of the program and it demonstrates the durability of the relationships between the individual states and the partner nations," said Brugman."The way the congressional delegation has come forward today and set up some support for the program really legitimizes the effect the program has on national security, security cooperation and in building alliances."