FRANKFORT, Ky. - The Kentucky National Guard knows its stuff when it comes to operational security. Just ask the Army.
The Kentucky National Guard's Intelligence Directorate is the only state headquarters to win the 2010 United States Army Operations Security Organizational Achievement Category.
The state was recognized along with the Army National Guard's Operational Security Assessment Team based in Arlington, Va.
Kentucky National Guard intelligence director, Army Col. Charlie Harris said the award is evidence that Kentucky is doing something right.
"This is recognition of just how well we're doing in the security program," he said. "It's a validation of the efforts of our troops from the unit level all the way up to the adjutant general."
With our nation fighting wars on two fronts and being targeted by terrorists at home and abroad, good security procedures are more crucial than ever before. Harris credits the Soldiers, Airmen and civilians across the organization with the success of the security program.
"Everyone from family support, the smaller units and the major commands are doing a great job with the core aspect of what needs to be done," said Harris. "They accomplish this by following through on things like shredding, putting cover sheets on documents and being judicious in their use of social media sites like Facebook."
Harris said that while the modern military is open and integrated, it's important to protect personal information and security plans from use by criminals and adversaries.
"That's where OPSEC lies - protecting the sensitive but unclassified information from those who want to do us harm."
Winning the Army award now puts Kentucky in line for consideration for recognition by the Interagency OPSEC Support Staff, which is across federal government.