GRANITE FALLS, N.C. - North Carolina National Guard Soldiers and Airmen deploy, any time, anywhere for state and nation. That is their mission and duty. Any veteran will tell you that the family deploys with them. However, for the Kuwait deployment of the Soldiers of the NCNG 1450th Transportation Company, headquartered in the cities of Lenoir and Jefferson, it might best be said the community deploys.
"This is family, everyone knows everyone,” said Ashe County Manager Sam Yearick.
Mountain Grove Church hosted proud parents, nervous spouses, very energetic children, local employers, veteran service organization leaders and many, many friends at the company's mobilization ceremony for Operation Resolute Support held in Granite Falls, North Carolina, Jan. 9, 2015.
"We (the Guard) are part of the community, it is an honor to deploy from here,” said Army Brig. Gen. Kenneth Beard, the NCNG's assistant adjutant general - sustainment.
Nearly 160 Soldiers marched in to the beat of the 440th Army Band and a chorus of cheers and applause from the church pews. Heads bowed during prayers for the safety of the Soldiers and success of the mission. Third generation military veterans stood along with children and grandchildren with hands over heart as the national anthem played.
"A show of support builds morale,” said retired Army 1st Sgt. Clayton Moody, father of the 1450th's own 1st Sgt. Deverrick Moody.
This does not go unnoticed by the unit's commander, Army Capt. Charles McLean. He repeatedly praised during his speech all who make life a little easier for those left behind as his Soldiers deploy overseas.
"Thank you for supporting these Soldiers and their families,” said McLean.
It makes a difficult mission easier. The Soldiers are transportation and logistics experts and are deploying to recover equipment and resources still staged in southwest Asia.
This deployment marks nearly 13 years of continuous NCNG missions overseas. Many of the Soldiers and most of the leaders have at least one combat tour, but about 60 percent of the unit will deploy for the first time.
"We are ready and I am very proud of this unit,” said Deverrick Moody.
The unit is composed primarily of heavy wheel transportation vehicles with the ability to provide of a wide range of hauling capabilities, ranging from containerized movement to hauling refrigerated or bulk water cargo.
The unit has previously deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom.