MILWAUKEE - Changes are coming to the Air National Guard, Command Chief Master Sgt. Christopher E. Muncy, command chief master sergeant of the Air National Guard, said during a Sunday visit with the 128th Air Refueling Wing here.
"There won't be a base or wing exempt," he said. "The 128th has done a great job, but you can't rest on your laurels ... we have to keep leaning forward."
Muncy spoke with Airmen during a day of visits to Wisconsin Air Guard assets, and he ate lunch with 15 Airmen here, sharing his perspectives on the Air National Guard, the 128th Air Refueling Wing and the Air Guard's future.
Airmen are the driving force of the Air Guard, Muncy said.
"I need Airmen to tell their story: who you are and what you do," he said. "Tell our Air Guard story."
Muncy said coming budget cuts will require Airmen to share their roles in the Air National Guard. He said that most people aren't aware of the Air National Guard, so it is up to all Airmen to inform the public about their wings and the Air National Guard.
Muncy said the strength of the 128th Air Refueling Wing and the dedication of its Airmen will yield long-term benefits for the wing's longevity in the Milwaukee community and in the Air National Guard.
A key talking point for the 128th Air Refueling Wing during the Air Force Association conference was the wing's contributions to operations in Western Europe, Muncy said.
"The speed of the response was impressive," he said. "Within six hours of the president asking for assets, the Air Guard was ready. That was a highlight for the Air National Guard and the 128th."
To the Airmen of the 128th Air Refueling Wing, Command Chief Muncy said, "Thanks for what you do. Thank your families. Your employers."
As the command chief master sergeant of the Air National Guard, Command Chief Muncy oversees the enlisted force.