FORT CHAFFEE, Ark. - A severe thunderstorm swept through the Fort Chaffee and Fort Smith, Ark. area Sunday night forcing the evacuation of approximately 500 Illinois Army National Guard Soldiers from a remote training area.
The Soldiers were moved into permanent barracks on Fort Chaffee due to wind damage to several tents the Soldiers were using for training at a Forward Operating Base.
Eight Soldiers were injured when high winds caused a tent to collapse during the storm. None of the injuries are serious.
The Illinois Guardsmen are at Fort Chaffee conducting pre-mobilization training for an upcoming deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom later this year.
The Illinois National Guard has temporarily suspended field training at Ft. Chaffee while a storm damage assessment is conducted. Soldiers will continue to conduct individual warrior task training and weapons qualification. Field training is expected to resume once the damage assessment is complete.
The incident will not impede the successful completion of the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team's pre-mobilization training.
For more information contact the Joint Information Center at Fort Chaffee at 217-761-1645.
Video footage from the scene will be available later this afternoon. To access the video, contact Brittani White with the Digital Video Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS) at 678-421-6624.