VICTORY BASE, Iraq - It is an old Army tradition marking one unit leaving and another taking its place. The flag of one unit is ceremoniously rolled and covered by a thin green case, while the flag of another is taken out of its case and displayed. With this action, authority has symbolically been transferred.
In a July 10 ceremony, the 38th Division Support Command (DISCOM), Indiana National Guard, handed responsibility for garrison operations of Victory Base Complex, Iraq, to the 58th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Maryland National Guard, who unfurled the cross-and-bayonet banner symbolizing their new authority.
"Our vision is to maintain an environment where the Soldier sees Victory Base Complex as a place of sanctuary," said Col. Sean Casey, the commander of the 58th IBCT, said in his first remarks as garrison commander. "Where the commander is relieved of the burden of day-to-day garrison issues, where the Soldier is safe and comfortable."
The 58th IBCT is working hand-in-hand with active duty units to fulfill this vision. They are responsible for the facilities and daily operations of five separate camps inside Victory including Camp Slayer, Camp Striker, Camp Victory and Camps Liberty East and West. These contain more than 50,000 service members and civilians. Various mayoral cells will be responsible for managing the living situations for the residents of their camps, including water, power, and Morale, Welfare and Recreation.
"To the 3rd ID and 1st Cav: You are demanding, difficult tenants, and we love you," said Col. Marjorie Courtney, the outgoing garrison commander. She went on to ask that tenants continue to hold the mayors to a high standard during the 58th IBCT's tenure.
The Transfer of Authority included a personal touch as Casey presented Courtney with a flag that was flown over Camp Victory as well as a 58th IBCT coin to show his appreciation for the guidance the 38th DISCOM had given his unit during a nine-day transition period. Learning from them, he said, made the transition that much smoother.
"Through their support and mentoring we have a thorough understanding of the keys to success at VBC," Casey said.
With the ceremony finished, the handover was complete. The members of the 38th DISCOM, after a year in Iraq, will return to Indiana to till the fields of civilian life now that the 58th IBCT has picked up their sword.