WASHINGTON - The 176th Wing, Kulis Air National Guard Base, Alaska, and associated aircraft, will relocate to Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, in accordance with the 2005 BRAC Commission recommendation.
The 2005 BRAC Commission recommended that, contingent on the availability of adequate military construction funds to provide the necessary facilities at Elmendorf AFB, Kulis ANGB be closed down.
"The 176 Wing relocation to Elmendorf allows the Air Force a unique opportunity to merge all our Total Force elements - Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve and active duty operations - across multiple mission areas, including airlift, Combat Search and Rescue, Airborne Warning and Control Systems and fifth generation fighters, all at one place, all in a key theater for our global activities," General T. Michael Moseley, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, said. "It's exactly what we've wanted for years, and exactly what we need now, to further integrate ai r power in Alaska."
At Elmendorf, the 176th Wing and the 3rd Wing will form an Air National Guard and active duty associate unit implementing Air Force Total Force Integration concepts. The 176th Wing will maintain the 144th Airlift Squadron C-130s and its three Rescue Squadrons.
The eight C-130Hs, three HC-130Ns, five HH-60 helicopters and all Airmen assigned at Kulis ANGB will relocate to Elmendorf AFB. At Elmendorf, the 176th Wing will gain 4 C-130Hs. The two wings will also form an active duty and Air National Guard associate unit with C-17s.
"Total Force integration incorporates innovative organizational constructs to create a smaller, more capable force structure leveraging increased capability from new technology and capitalizing on the wealth of talent and experiences across the active duty, Guard and Reserve functions," said Lt Gen Craig McKinley, Director Air National Guard. "Ensuring a seamless capability across our three service components provides America a more lethal and capable air, space, and cyberspace force."
In addition to the active duty and Air Guard associations at Elmendorf, the Air Force Reserve will stand-up its 302nd Fighter Squadron there as an associate squadron with the 3rd Wing, flying the F-22A. "We're looking forward to being a part of this Total Force endeavor at Elmendorf," said Lt Gen John A. Bradley, Chief of Air Force Reserve and Commander, Air Force Reserve Command.
The time frame for the move to Elmendorf is still being determined, but like all actions directed under BRAC must be completed by September 15, 2011.