CAMP FOSTER, Japan – Members from the Ohio Air National Guard’s 180th Fighter Wing, Medical Group, arrived at Camp Foster in Okinawa, Japan, as part of the Comprehensive Medical Readiness Program (CMRP) training and to assist the permanent party medical team assigned to the U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa, July 13.
The U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa is a medical treatment facility (MTF) that will allow the Medical Group Airmen to experience and training in a broader scope than what is available at the 180FW in Toledo, Ohio.
The National Guard Bureau mandates that Air National Guard members conduct critical training at an MTF every four years to meet CMRP requirements. “We can work in the ICUs and ERs, things that we cannot do at home station,” said Master Sgt. Brad Cousino, 180FW Health Service Administration.
A top priority for the 180FW MDG is to stay mission ready. This training will allow the Airmen to interact with situations and equipment they may encounter while deployed. “This is an active duty facility, where they have different departments. Our medics can practice skills like intubations and chest tube insertions, things that we wouldn’t normally do in a clinic environment,” said 1st Lt. Ashley Crawford, 180FW Medical Readiness Officer, “It’s a good opportunity for our Airmen to see what it’s like in an active duty facility and a different country.”
The 180FW MDG is always mission focused and their success is achieved through the drive and passion of these critical Airmen. Keeping our Airmen in the right frame of mind throughout the training is key to its success. “This training is so vital for the Airmen to receive that any problem that they have, I can take that problem off their plate so they can stay focused on their training,” said acting Medical Group, 1st Sgt. Master Sgt. Brent Centers.
The 180FW MDG Airmen will conduct daily training in realistic environments and circumstances to ensure they maintain the highest level of proficiency and readiness for worldwide deployment.