AUGUSTA, Mich. – The Michigan Army and Air National Guard hosted a vaccination clinic for service members and Department of Defense personnel at Fort Custer Training Center March 3.
"We have 210 vaccines scheduled to be administered today," said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Chelsea Herman, Michigan Medical Detachment Detroit Light Guard Army, Michigan Army National Guard. "Anyone who is in the DOD scope of work" can come in and get a vaccine.
Herman, who has more than 18 years in the Guard, vaccinated members of the military and DOD personnel.
"Most of the civilian contractors work in the dining facility or as housekeepers," she said. "We are also vaccinating other DOD contractors, employees from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and service members from the Navy, Army and Air Force," she said.
Marines were vaccinated earlier in the week, along with a reserve unit training before deployment.
"It's good to have interaction with other services," Herman said.
Anyone in the DOD scope of work can receive the vaccine.
"I think immunity against any virus is important," said retired U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Tim Cronk, who is a DLA employee. "I am not only protecting myself, but protecting everyone else. It's important for me personally, for my family, and for everyone else I am around."
Cronk enlisted in the Navy in 1983 and became an officer after 11 years.
"I earned a commission through the limited duty officer program and retired as a lieutenant commander after 24 years and I retired in 2007," he said. "As soon as I received the message for the vaccine, I called and got an appointment. My wife is an emergency room nurse and has received both shots, so makes sense for me to get it."
Another 100 people were vaccinated March 2. Herman, a Detroit native and noncommissioned officer in charge of the event, managed the entire operation.
"I help ensure there is a good workflow and there are no concerns at the various stations during the process," said Herman.