RALEIGH, N.C. - Two members of North Carolina National Guard's Joint Force Headquarters travelled to Chisinau, Moldova, from July 15 - 20, to work side-by-side with their Moldovan Army counterparts in support of the National Guard's State Partnership Program, established by the Department of Defense.
The team conducted a Cyber Exercise Development engagement with the Moldovan Army Communications Staff on Tabletop Exercise (TTX) best practices and worked to improve joint cyber operability between the Moldovan Army and the North Carolina National Guard. The opportunity also provided a platform to discuss the use of open source cyber resources that are available to both the Moldovan military and the North Carolina National Guard.
"The event provided the Moldovan Army Communication Staff with the ability to understand, plan, and execute cyber exercises in order to train, assess, and improve their cyber posture," said Chief Warrant Officer 4 Donald Champion, the senior information systems officer from the North Carolina National Guard.
The North Carolina National Guard and the Moldovan Defense Forces have been hosting bi-lateral engagements through the State Partnership Program since 1996. This partnership has allowed Soldier growth and development for both countries.