ARLINGTON, Va. – It's not uncommon for spouses to serve in the military together, but two members of the Arkansas Air National Guard's 189th Airlift Wing are believed to be the first spouses to serve concurrently as first sergeants within the wing, said Air Force Master Sgt. Phillip Parish, the wing historian.
Air Force Master Sgt. Stephanie Bates serves as first sergeant of the wing's 189th Civil Engineering Squadron while her husband, Air Force Master Sgt. Herbert "Glen' Bates, serves as the first sergeant of the wing's 189th Security Forces Squadron.
"We always wondered if any spouses serving together have ever been first sergeants at the same time,' Glen said.
But while the distinction is noteworthy, said Stephanie, their focus as first sergeants is the Airman who serve under them.
"It's not about making history,' she said. "It's about development and caring for the Airmen.'
Both said their role of first sergeant is similar to being a parent.
"You get disappointed when they let you down, and you are truly proud when they do great things,' Glen said, of the Airmen in his unit.
Both have served in a variety of positions within the wing and are familiar with each other's units. Glen, in fact, served in the civil engineering squadron for 10 years. Having that understanding of unit dynamics often makes it easier to bounce things off of each other.
"Glen is my listening ear, my different-view perspective,' Stephanie said. "We keep each other in check.'
They've also been each other's support during much of their time in the military. They met in 2003 at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, where they were both serving as part of the active component Air Force. They dated for a year before Glen proposed on Christmas Eve, and they were married in July 2005.
Stephanie was selected for the first sergeant in October 2016. Glen followed in the security forces squadron in December of that year.
Now, 15 years later, they're the parents of three boys, and work together to balance military and civilian life.
"Being a mother of three active boys and having to put up with me, my wife is a seasoned veteran in handling conflict and correcting behavior,' Glen said.
Stephanie is also a full-time student at the University of Arkansas where she is scheduled to graduate in May with a Bachelor of Science in business management. Glen works for the Arkansas State Police.
The Bateses place a high priority on family and consider the squadrons an extension of that family.
"We are our kids' biggest supporters,' said Stephanie, "and we are the same for our troops.'
Both are coming up on 18 years of military service and said being a first sergeant is one of their greatest experiences in that time.
"I am truly honored and grateful to be in the best job in the Air Force,' Stephanie said. "It would be awesome to be a "[first] shirt' for another three years [until eligible for retirement].'
Editor's note: Hogan is with the Arkansas National Guard and Soucy is with the National Guard Bureau