Army National Guard Leader Development Program

Enhance and support the State's and Territories' capability to develop Army National Guard leader's knowledge, skills, competencies, attributes, and behaviors to produce agile and adaptive leaders at echelon, who are able to operate and succeed in complex and dynamic environments. By creating and providing leader development resources, opportunities, and content in the experiential and self-development realms of professional development, which deliver broadening experience or increased technical and conceptual competency in order to enable Leader Development across the 54 States and Territories.

Talent Development Program

The Talent Development Program provides a distinctive one-year broadening experience for company and field grade ARNG M-Day Officers. Participants will be placed on Title 10 orders and assigned to a tailored position, providing a unique broadening assignment which enhances their skillsets. Company grade officers will be nested with technical competencies and field grade officers with conceptual competencies. Upon completion of the program these assignments will provide key experiences to the Officers by developing a resource suitable to their State and Organizations.


Date Location Duration Description


Application Information

Upcoming Dates:
Applications Due 31MAY2023. Please see Instructional Memo above.

OIC: CW2 Beck
NCOIC: MSG Angeli Viyar