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Tag: Alaska National Guard

Alaska Guard Deploys to Eastern Europe to Support NATO Allies
February 4, 2025
Alaska Army National Guard Col. Michele Edwards and Command Sgt. Maj. Russel Throckmorton, the commander and command sergeant major of the 297th Regional Support Group, case the unit colors during a deployment ceremony at the Alaska National Guard Armory on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Jan. 24, 2025. The Alaska Army National Guard’s Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 297th RSG, will deploy approximately 80 Guardsmen on a nine-month mission to Eastern Europe to support U.S. Army Europe and Africa’s Operation European Assure, Deter and Reinforce.

Alaska Construction Management Team to Deploy to Middle East
November 15, 2024
Alaska Army National Guardsmen assigned to the 208th Construction Management Team execute a change of command and deployment ceremony at the National Guard Armory on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson Nov. 14, 2024. The 208th will deploy in December to the CENTCOM area of responsibility to oversee military construction projects while providing quality assurance and assessing safety procedures.

Alaska Guard Soldiers Honored Before Middle East Deployment
June 5, 2024
Alaska Army National Guardsmen with the 49th Personnel Detachment, known as the 49th Theater Gateway, gather for a deployment ceremony at Camp Carroll on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, June 1, 2024. The 49th TG will deploy to the Middle East to support Operation Spartan Shield.

Alaska, Washington National Guard Join Exercise Gobi Wolf
September 7, 2022
Brig. Gen. Tracy Smith, commander of the Alaska Air National Guard, spoke about the 20-year partnership between the Alaska National Guard and Mongolian government during the opening ceremony for Gobi Wolf 2022 in Bayankhongor, Mongolia, Sept. 5. Gobi Wolf is a disaster response exercise with field training exercises in hazmat response, mass medical care and search and rescue.

National Guardsmen Complete French Desert Commando Course
June 2, 2022
U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Roy Wollgast, an 82nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron survival, evasion, resistance and escape specialist, completes an obstacle during the French Desert Commando Course at Arta Range, Djibouti, April 26, 2022. Since 2015, the French Forces stationed in Djibouti have invited U.S. service members with the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa and Camp Lemonnier to participate in the course.