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Tag: North Carolina National Guard

NC Soldier Recognized by Coast Guard for Lifesaving Actions
December 20, 2022
U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Matt Baer, right, sector commander of North Carolina, presents U.S. Army Maj. Kenneth Leahy, left, the North Carolina National Guard state dental officer, with the Coast Guard Commendation Medal at the NCNG Medical Readiness Detachment on Dec. 3, 2022. Leahy was recognized for his heroism in saving a distressed 10-year old child from drowning in the ocean over 200 yards from shore.

Ohio National Guard forward observer is ARCENT NCO of Year
January 4, 2021
Ohio Army National Guard Sgt. Aaron Amsden, a forward observer for the 1st Battalion, 145th Armored Regiment, was crowned the winner of the U.S. Army Central Command’s Best Warrior Competition, noncommissioned officer category, and also competed in the Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) competition in 2020. The BWC recognizes Soldiers who demonstrate commitment to Army values, embody the warrior ethos and represent the force of the future.

NC Guard Employment Center celebrates 3,000th job placement
October 28, 2020
North Carolina National Guard (NCNG) Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey L. Copeland, left, assistant adjutant general, sustainment, congratulates Gladys Ngari and her family on her becoming the NCNG Employment Center's 3,000th hire at a ceremony at NCNG Joint Force Headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 19, 2020. Ngari's husband, right, is NCNG Army 1st Lt. Joseph Muraguri.

NC Guard helps defend city from cyberattack
April 13, 2020
Members of the North Carolina National Guard’s Cyber Security Response Force deploy to Shelby March 19, 2020, to defend the city’s computer networkand help recover lost, stolen or compromised data.  Since 2018, NCNG’s Cyber Team has executed 35 missions in North Carolina and the region.