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Tag: Food Bank

Ohio’s 1st female infantry officer on COVID-19 front lines
July 21, 2020
Second Lt. Colleen O’Callaghan, a platoon leader with the Ohio Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment, oversees her team June 9, 2020, at Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign and Logan Counties in Springfield, Ohio. O’Callaghan is the Ohio National Guard’s first female Army infantry officer in its 232-year history.

Indiana Guard medics jump into action to help burn victim
June 12, 2020
Spc. Yoonho Lee, Cpl. Luisa Kolb and Cpl. Ethan Collins, combat medics with 215th Area Support Medical Company, 81st Troop Command from Franklin, Indiana, receives the Army Achievement Medal for administering aid to a chef at Second Helpings, a community kitchen in Indianapolis. All three medics felt their quick response was nothing extraordinary and credit one thing they all share — their military training.

Guard members find Southeast Ohioans #InThisTogether
April 21, 2020
Devin Berry, left, and Ohio National Guard Pfc. Jayden Rutter, both lifelong Southeast Ohio residents, outside the Southeast Ohio Foodbank in Logan April 10, 2020. Berry, a laborer at the food bank for five years, has been working with Rutter and other Soldiers of the 237th Support Battalion to package and distribute food during the COVID-19 pandemic.