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Tag: Nebraska Army National Guard

Fallen Army Guard Sniper Honored in Memorial Competition
March 1, 2023
Spc. Chris Horton, a sniper with 1st Battalion, 297th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Oklahoma Army National Guard, in Paktia, Afghanistan, in 2011. He died in an ambush Sept. 9, 2011.

Nebraska Guard recognized for protecting whooping crane
March 31, 2022
Col. Brent Flachsbart, Nebraska Army National Guard construction and facilities maintenance officer, and Lawrence Vrtiska, environmental program manager for the Nebraska Military Department, outside Army Aviation Support Facility #1 in Lincoln, Neb., March 1, 2022. The Nebraska Army National Guard was awarded 1st place for Natural Resources Management (Individual/Team) in the 2022 Secretary of the Army Environmental Awards for its work with the U.S. Geological Survey and the Crane Trust to study endangered whooping crane behavior during their annual migration through central Nebraska.

Nebraska Soldier recognized for lifesaving actions
March 23, 2022
Nebraska Army National Guard Sgt. Brittany West is awarded the Meritorious Service Medal at a ceremony conducted by Company A, 1st Battalion, 376th Aviation Regiment, at Campo Border Patrol Station in Pine Valley, California, March 15, 2022. West took emergency actions to revive a fellow Soldier who collapsed and had no discernible pulse Feb. 18,

Army Guard command CWO reflects on 2 years in the position
September 23, 2020
Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 Teresa A. Domeier, right, the command chief warrant officer of the Army National Guard, receives a briefing on the capabilities of the UH-72 Lakota helicopter from Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Jeff Caniglia, executive officer of the Nebraska Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 376th Aviation Regiment, at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center's Hohenfels Training Area, Hohenfels, Germany. Domeier is the first woman to serve as the command chief warrant officer of the Army Guard.