Hurricane Irma

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Home : Features : 2017 : Hurricane Irma
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As Irma looms, some Guard members hopscotch from storm to storm
September 9, 2017
New York Air Guard wings depart for hurricanes

As Irma bears down on U.S., Guard members deploy throughout affected region
September 8, 2017
NJ Soldiers respond to Hurricane Irma

Florida Guard officer explains nuts and bolts of recovery missions
September 7, 2017
Fla. Soldier preps for activation

National Guard troops at Guantanamo Bay prep for impending Irma
September 7, 2017
Missouri MP's prepare for deployment

Some California Guard members on fire lines as others head for Irma
September 7, 2017
California National Guard Soldiers complete CAL FIRE hand crew training

About 100 New Jersey National Guard Soldiers deployed to Florida for Irma
September 6, 2017
C-130 from the NCNG headed down to assist evacuations from a hospital in Key West.

National Guard troops prep for action as Hurricane Irma slams Caribbean
September 6, 2017
Hurricane relief for cattle

National Guard personnel heading toward Hurricane Irma as relief efforts continue in Texas
September 5, 2017
Illinois Air National Guard conduct a pre-flight brief