What is the "HURREX"?
A Hurricane Exercise, or "HURREX," is the National Guard's support to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) 2007 hurricane preparedness exercise series. The hurricane season begins 1 June 2007 and, as in previous years, the National Guard is always ready, always there. Exercises like these ensure that the National Guard is even more capable and more ready than when 50,000 Citizen-Soldiers and – Airmen saved more than 17,000 lives during Hurricane Katrina.
What is the exercise scenario?
A simulated category 3 hurricane (Hurricane "Yvette") will hit Newport, RI, during this 11-day Command Post Exercise (CPX). A CPX is an opportunity to train command staff, and subordinate and supporting leaders in order to successfully plan, coordinate, and synchronize efforts during an emergency.
Who will participate?
The CPX does not require the deployment of any National Guard members. However, seven New England states and the National Guard Bureau will support this exercise to enhance the emergency response capabilities and coordination of all first responders. The CPX is a joint exercise of local, state and federal agencies, the Department of Defense, FEMA (Regions I and II), and the Department of Homeland Security.
Why does the National Guard exercise with civil authorities?
The "HURREX" presents both civilian first response agencies and the National Guard – the first military responder - an opportunity to participate in a full range of training scenarios that will better prepare all participants to respond to a local, state and/or national crisis. The National Guard exercises along with state and civil authorities to better improve the unity of effort between all first response agencies in the event of a disaster. The unity of effort established by these training exercises better equips civilian and military entities to operate seamlessly in a joint environment.