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National Guard support to the District of Columbia

21-008 | Jan. 21, 2021

More than 26,000 National Guard members were on duty Wednesday to support the presidential inauguration. There were no security incidents reported involving the National Guard.

The National Guard is now focusing on coordinating with federal law enforcement to meet any continuing requirements while simultaneously working the logistics to return Guard members to their home states, families, and employers.

“Upon completion of the inauguration, we will continue to support federal law enforcement as requested. Our Guard members will return home as soon as conditions permit,” said Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson, chief of the National Guard.

“Our ability to move 26,000 Soldiers and Airmen to DC from every state and territory in less than two weeks would not have been possible without the support of our governors and their adjutants general,” said Hokanson. “It speaks volumes about America’s investment in the National Guard; and most importantly, the support our service members get from their family and their employers.”

“The outpouring of support to our National Guard across the entire country, and here in the District of Columbia, is a story in itself. I want to particularly thank the citizens of the District of Columbia,” said Hokanson.

As the mission wraps up in the capital region, the National Guard Bureau is working to assist states with preparations and logistics to return troops safely home.


The National Guard at large

Presently, there are more than 92,000 Guard men and women engaged in homeland and overseas missions. Almost 23,000 National Guard professionals continue COVID-19 response efforts at the direction of their governors in all 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia.

In total, almost 76,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen are supporting homeland operations at the direction of their governors across the county.  The current number includes activations for COVID-19 and civil support to law enforcement missions.

With more than 441,000 soldiers and airmen across 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia, the National Guard has a deep bench of experience and capabilities to call upon. At the National Guard’s historic activation peak in June 2020, roughly 120,000 Guard members were engaged worldwide.


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