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Regarding Donations

21-004 | Jan. 13, 2021

In response to photos on social media and in the press today showing National Guardsmen resting in between shifts at the Capitol, many well-meaning and thoughtful citizens are organizing collection of comfort items for National Guard men and women who are in the District of Columbia in support of the upcoming presidential inauguration.

While we appreciate the many offers and people who care about our soldiers and airmen, we are not logistically able to accept donations of any kind.

In addition, please know our National Guardsmen have appropriate lodging for when they are off-duty; the photos circulating are of them on-duty, in a designated rest area between shifts. Being present is the first step in ensuring the safety of our citizens and our Nation’s Capitol. Our security personnel work in shifts and rest when they can as others stand watch.

Again, thank you for caring about your citizen-soldiers and airmen.

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