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National Guard's 384th Birthday

20-072 | Dec. 11, 2020

Arlington, VA —

On December 13, 2020, the National Guard celebrates its 384th birthday, marking a historic year of support to its communities.

The National Guard is America's oldest military organization and has 450,000 citizen soldiers and airmen located in communities across all 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia.

2020 has been a historic year for National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, who have logged more than 8.4 million days serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response. As part of the historic response, the National Guard has worked to bring calm and compassion to civil disturbances across the country; flown into raging wildfires to save hundreds of people, and responded to prevent loss of life and property from hurricanes and natural disasters across the country.

Guard men and women helped distribute over 580 million meals to neighbors in need; delivered more than 380 million of pieces of protective equipment to essential workers; and tested and screened over 9 million people for the virus.

In June, 2020, the National Guard mobilized nearly 120,000 soldiers and airmen in support of overseas and homeland operations – meeting every challenge, answering every call, and performing every mission. Today, more than 56,500 Guard members remain on duty in their communities and around the globe, living up to their motto: Always Ready; Always There.

Happy 384th Birthday, National Guard!

For more information about the National Guard birthday, check out our birthday microsite at https://www.nationalguard.mil/Birthday/ for access to social media-friendly graphics, video, and logos.

  • National Guard Bureau