WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.430 I'm Sergeant Carter Cooper 11 , Bravo , 00:02.440 --> 00:05.260 Virginia Army National Guard . Um We're 00:05.269 --> 00:07.949 here for the National Best Warrior 00:07.960 --> 00:10.850 Competition um competing for that top 00:10.859 --> 00:13.869 spot in uh multiple different kinds of 00:13.880 --> 00:16.360 events such as rucks , uh different pt 00:16.370 --> 00:19.719 events , biathlon and uh basic um 00:20.559 --> 00:23.930 basic warrior tasks . The task I found 00:23.940 --> 00:26.620 most successful uh during the 00:26.629 --> 00:28.740 competition for me was definitely the 00:28.740 --> 00:30.799 warrior task . Uh Those prior to the 00:30.809 --> 00:34.139 event I have trained uh and spent a lot 00:34.150 --> 00:36.261 of hours on practicing those over and 00:36.261 --> 00:38.372 over again . So uh it was good to see 00:38.372 --> 00:40.330 me do well during that event . My 00:40.340 --> 00:42.507 favorite lane I did during the warrior 00:42.507 --> 00:44.549 task was uh the Claymore employ and 00:44.560 --> 00:47.259 retrieve at Claymore . I serve because 00:47.270 --> 00:49.381 it's the one thing I've always wanted 00:49.381 --> 00:51.790 to do since I was a kid just by nature . 00:51.799 --> 00:53.919 I wanted to serve my country . That's 00:53.930 --> 00:56.119 kind of like the typical military 00:56.130 --> 00:58.360 answer . But uh for me , that's just 00:58.639 --> 01:00.840 what my heart has always been in . I 01:00.849 --> 01:03.680 continue to serve because I enjoy it . 01:04.120 --> 01:06.949 Um I enjoy it a lot . I love learning . 01:07.120 --> 01:09.580 I love bettering both myself as a 01:09.589 --> 01:12.730 person and as a soldier , I believe . 01:12.739 --> 01:15.769 Uh this competition has both allowed me 01:15.779 --> 01:19.370 to be to grow and um gain more 01:19.379 --> 01:21.849 experience as a soldier , really grind 01:21.860 --> 01:24.930 on the basics of uh what you need to be 01:24.940 --> 01:27.720 successful in your military career . My 01:27.730 --> 01:29.669 favorite part of the warrior 01:29.680 --> 01:32.410 competition has definitely been uh the 01:32.419 --> 01:34.750 mountain skills uh taught by the 01:34.760 --> 01:36.538 instructors here at the Vermont 01:36.538 --> 01:39.050 Mountain School . Um It was a great 01:39.059 --> 01:41.489 opportunity to learn how to tie 01:41.500 --> 01:43.556 different knots and things you might 01:43.556 --> 01:46.930 need for climbing and uh hauling cava 01:46.970 --> 01:50.779 systems . So , so all 01:50.790 --> 01:53.599 these guys are very highly motivated 01:53.610 --> 01:57.089 people just same as myself , all like 01:57.099 --> 01:59.730 minded in a place that we're all 01:59.739 --> 02:01.961 supposed to be here at this competition 02:01.961 --> 02:03.961 together , gonna going against each 02:03.961 --> 02:06.480 other . But also all of these guys are 02:06.489 --> 02:09.449 also just good people in general . We 02:09.460 --> 02:12.160 all to a certain point . We're , we're 02:12.169 --> 02:14.660 competing against each other , but um 02:14.789 --> 02:18.479 we're all friendly and um we enjoy the 02:18.490 --> 02:21.500 time we're having together here . I 02:21.509 --> 02:23.620 would do this again . Just I'm a very 02:23.620 --> 02:25.842 competitive person and I like competing 02:25.842 --> 02:28.800 and uh this competition has shown me 02:28.809 --> 02:31.460 where I both have to improve and uh get 02:31.470 --> 02:35.160 better . So , yeah , I think I can see 02:35.169 --> 02:36.199 myself doing it again .