1 00:00:03,040 --> 00:00:05,560 We are currently out here conducting a 2 00:00:05,700 --> 00:00:08,930 dismounted ambush on a light armor . 3 00:00:10,840 --> 00:00:13,940 The purpose of the training for uh 4 00:00:13,950 --> 00:00:16,450 setting up the ambush is basically so 5 00:00:16,450 --> 00:00:18,780 that you can teach your lower level as 6 00:00:18,780 --> 00:00:21,520 well as any level leadership throughout 7 00:00:21,520 --> 00:00:23,576 the formation , how to appropriately 8 00:00:23,576 --> 00:00:25,742 set in an ambush on an enemy element , 9 00:00:25,742 --> 00:00:28,140 whether that be on dismount or on a 10 00:00:28,140 --> 00:00:30,540 convoy , and basically , so that we can 11 00:00:30,540 --> 00:00:32,651 go ahead and determine what errors of 12 00:00:32,651 --> 00:00:34,429 friction that we have right now 13 00:00:34,540 --> 00:00:36,710 implement those , fix those that way , 14 00:00:36,710 --> 00:00:38,710 we'll be better set for whenever we 15 00:00:38,710 --> 00:00:40,766 move forward . Downrange sometime in 16 00:00:40,766 --> 00:00:41,560 the future .